Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

Hope & Lily - Reunited !!!

Hier ist der Bericht von Lynn Rogers über die Zusammenführung von Hope und Lily.Nach mehr als 5 Tagen der Trennung sind sie nun endlich wieder vereint und was mich daran besonders berührt ist, dass es tatsächlich möglich war die kleine Bärin überhaupt lebend zu finden und sie dann auch wieder mit der Mutter zusammenzubringen...Ich gestehe, ich bin hin und weg...

"Reunited at last!

It was the most satisfying moment of my 44 years of bear study. When Sue and I got the cub into the little carrier kennel and I saw Sue crying, I could hardly keep from breaking down myself. And then seeing Lily and Hope’s reunion was the most beautiful expression of animal emotion I have ever seen. Hope was bawling very loudly, and Lily was doing her pleasant grunts as Hope latched onto a nipple and Lily half dragged her nearer to the white pine where they had nursed together so many times in April.
Sue is readying video she took of the reunion. It’s late, and we were up half the night last night, so we’ll fill in details tomorrow. Thank you all so much for pulling together with us as we all went through this emotional roller coaster. The roller coaster effect continued right up to the unexpectedly wonderful end. More on that tomorrow. While we were in the woods attempting to reunite Lily and Hope we got a call from a homeowner who had a visit from Juliet. More about that tomorrow too! Thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support today. We can’t wait to meet many of you all at the Lilypad Picnic in a couple months.

—Lynn Rogers, Biologist, North American Bear Center

Find here the video of Lily and Hope's reunification

What a wonderful outcome....thanks to the efforts of Sue and Lynn who should be in for a good night's sleep, instead they continue to do their very best to keep us all informed...

Video credits: North American Bear Center
On this site you find more videos about Lily and Hope, also about the days of the search.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Sagte ich es nicht, die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.
Gott, ist das eine schöne Nachricht.
Der Tag ist gerettet:)

D a n k e

BrigitteE hat gesagt…

Das mit dem Namen und Anonym kriege ich noch nicht so ganz hin,
ich versuche es nochmal